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A few examples of Invisible Illnesses are:
- Fibromyalgia
- POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
- Headache/ Migraine
- Dizziness/ PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness)
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)/ bladder/ bowel issues
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Pain
- Dyspnoea (shortness of breath)
- Long COVID
- Changes to the immune system
If you seek help for these problems and practitioners have no answers at all or ‘solutions’ that don’t work, it can be very disheartening.
If your body is living with the challenge of Invisible Illness, it may be sending you signals. These signals are easily ignored or not recognized for what they are. Following, are a range of Physical, Psychological and Behavioural Signals. Please contact us and ask to see our Invisible Illness Team if you are experiencing any of these signals, if they are interfering with your life and you would like to find a way forward.
Physical signals:
Sleep problems
Tension in neck/ shoulder/ arm/ back
Tension type headaches
Nausea, gut/ bowel issues
Low immune system
Chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath
Dizziness, high blood pressure
Insomnia or oversleeping
Psychological signals:
Short attention span, concentration, forgetful
Overthinking, trouble making decisions
Irritable, irritated, short fused
Feeling down, anxious
No joy/ enjoyment, no interest in life
Insecure, reduced self esteem
Concerned about future and health
Moody/ mood changes
Burn out
Behavioural Signals:
Reduced performance, making more mistakes
Bursts of rage, crying spells
Imbalanced emotions
Increase of smoking/ alcohol consumption/ medication/ tranquilizers
Avoiding social contacts
As physiotherapists we are specialised in working with your body; the connection between physical and mental health, the movement system and physiological functioning. At Through Life Physiotherapy, we specialise in the treatment of invisible illnesses and stress related conditions.
We can help you understand your body and patterns of movement, find efficient coping mechanisms, and regain physical and mental resilience/ strength. Our aim is to restore balance, help you achieve your goals and have more quality of life.
Common interventions are:
- Exercises/ Clinical Pilates/ Body and Brain Rehab
- Pain Science Education
- Pacing/ Graded activity
- Relaxation/ breathing exercises
- Mindfulness/ Acceptance-Commitment Therapy
- Pain and Stress education
- Cognitive behavioural interventions
- Therapeutic bodywork
- Sleep hygiene
- Motivational interviewing/ decision making strategies
Your first consultation will be an interview and assessment, so we understand your complaints and expectations. We have a holistic approach looking at the possible physical, emotional, and mental load. Together with you, we make a treatment plan and look for the cause of your problems. An active approach to the treatment process will help you reach your goals.